Angular project: Adding sign-up functionality
Initialize a new angular project
ng new <app_name>
cd <app_name>
- Open in ‘Visual Studios’
- run ‘
ng serve
’ The app will start at localhost:4200
Create a header component
- Run:
ng g c header
- Fill the header.component.html and header.component.css file
- This will have a
'"routerLink = '/sign-up'"
(In app.router.ts addroutes = [path: '', component = signupComponent]
) - Add
in the app.component.html file. - Add RoutingModule (./app-routing.module) to app.module.ts
Create a sign-up component
- Enter:
ng g c auth/signup
- Fill the signup.component.html and signup.component.css file
- The HTML file will have a
- Add the
to the<form [formGroup]='<formGroupName>'></form>
tag - Add the
to the form fields - Add ‘ReactiveFormsModule’ to app.module.ts
Add the formControl to the signup.compotent.ts file (Making the form smarter)
- Add ‘signUpForm: FormGroup;’ as global parameter in the SignUpComponent;
- Under ngOnInit() { … } method (This method is invoked as soon as some value is entered in the input type fields) add
this.signUpForm = new FormGroup ({ username: new FormControl('', Validators.required), email: new FormControl('', [Validators.required,]), password: new FormControl('', Validators.required), })
- Now, that the validators are setup, add custom msg and checking the input form-fields before the user clicks submit. Add new
"<span *ngIf="!signUpForm.get('email').valid && signUpForm.get('email').touched">Please enter valid <username/password/email> field</span>"
- Now add the submit button funtionality in
<form [formGroup]="<formGroupName>" (ngSubmit)="signup()"></form>
Add the authService that we’ll inject in the signUp.component.ts file.
- Create a new service
ng g s auth/shared/auth
(We’re creating inside shared as all the auth components (e.g; signUp, logout, etc) would use the same authService) - Create a new DTO for signUpRequest: Inside signUpComponent add a new file signup-request.payload.ts
export interface SignupRequestPayload { username: string; password: string; email: string; }
- In app.module.ts add ‘httpClientModule’ (from ‘@angular/common/http’) - We need to use this in the auth.service
- In the constructor add the (private httpClient: HttpClient)
- Add the below method in this service
signUp(signUpRequestPayload: SignUpRequestPayload) : Observable<any> { return"http://localhost:8080/reddit/api/auth/signup", signUpRequestPayload, {responseType: 'text'}) }
. - Now, we can use this signUp method from our signupComponent.ts file.
Inject the authService that we just created in out signUpComponent.ts constructor…
- …and declare the SignupRequestPayload as a global variable;
- Inside the constructor init the signupRequestPayload with default values.
- e.g;
constructor(private authService: AuthService) { this.signupRequestPayload = { username: '', password: '', email: '' } }
Add the signUp() method in the signUpComponent.ts file
(Which is invoked from the
<form (ngSubmit)="signup()"></form>
- As we already have signupRequestPayload and singupForm initialized, we can go ahead and add the below method.
signup() { this.signupRequestPayload.username = this.signupForm.get('username').value; = this.signupForm.get('email').value; this.signupRequestPayload.password = this.signupForm.get('password').value; this.authService.signUp(this.signupRequestPayload) .subscribe(data => { console.log(data) }); }
This will now call the backend signup API and add a user.