Why so passionate!?
I am a fan of watching documentaries. New information intrigues me, one day I’m listening to Java podcasts the other day I’m learning “Physics: How capillary action help flush the toilet”. Its wierd. It does not matter to me what it may or may not add to my skill set. Can this be categorised as a hobby then, I wonder?
Not so long ago, I was watching a documentary by Nat Geo “Tesla V/S Edison”. The story goes like this, Nikola Tesla moves from Croatia to seeks job opportunity in America. While doing so, Tesla starts working for Edison at his lab. They are testing Edison’s new light bulb prototypes.
One scientist from the lab breaks down conducting some 90’th experiment. Seeing this, Edison addresses the whole lab. While the whole speech is awesome, one thing that I distinctly remember from the speech is the line “Patience, Persistence, Perseverance”. This nicely summarizes the spirit of the ninety days learning plan for me.
I’ve filled my plate with many things. DB book read, Unix Level 1 completion, Japanese and French too!
Let’s go through them one by one.
At the start of the plan I was at DBMS Korth Chapter 4 I decided to have a month’s deadline for this chapter. Five days remaining to complete the chapter and I’m almost done already. So, I’m doing pretty decent according to the timeline. At the end of the 90 days I’d like to have a pretty strong foundation over the concepts I’ve covered. I’m practically trying the concepts that I learn because you retain more by indulging. All about “getting your hands dirty with code”.
My UNIX level one cheatsheet progress has been comparetively slow, maybe because I’ve been digging in way more spending much time on one command and its working. As some of these commands have elaborate contraptions working behind the scene. As seeing there are many commands to cover, I’d like to do the ‘T’ approach. A BFS approach first to get acquianted with all the commands and learn their fundamental and bare minimal options followed by latter pondering into the depths of each command. After 90 days, I’d like to see myself nailing every server issue with this new command arsenal, or pinpointing the cause at the least.
Watch your language!!
Sweet lord Raijin, I love Japanese Anime. Naruto, One-Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note. You name it!
This is what kindled the thought of learning Japanese. After 90 days, I’d love to see myself fighting some angry Japanese nerd Anime fanboys on reddit forums. I’m kidding. I’m against cyber-bullying. I’d just watch more subbed Anime with these new-found language skills, that’s all.
What’s better than learning a new language? Learning two new languages. Now, that I’m learning French, I understand it indeed is a romantic language. French words are so exotic, you cannot even write how they’re pronounced. La’Croix, it is pronounced as ‘La Kw-ah’ with the K - from the throat. After 90 days, I can totally see myself scoring some totally random French chick online.
Bazinga! I’m kidding again. Gosh, I’m on fire today.
On a serious note though I’d just know a few more words of a language that I’d use, maybe, never. But, that is ok, because the journey is fun too, that is important really.
Besides, who knows what the future beholds? Maybe I’ll settle in Paris one day. Who knows where life will take us? Nobody can tell for sure what might come in handy. You cannot connect the dots looking forward, am I right? We just do our part, we do it right and we hope for the best.