Residing here are some blogs which I wrote.
Feel free to explore.
- A Newbie assignment which I got starting career in Krishagni Pvt Ltd
- My summary of second assignment in Krishagni Pvt Ltd
- All concepts which I learned from the assignment
- A basic guide for Git Starters
- A brief explanation of what is a BioBank
- History of Linux
- An insight on Linux Flavors
- The Vikings
- Ninety days learning plan
- Quantum Computing
- SQL Rollback segments
- Elon Musk
- SQL Explain plan
- Writing with integrity: Lessons in being an elite writer
- First Trip Abroad
- Avoiding Redundant Words: Lessons in being an elite writer
- Economical Writing: Lessons in being an elite writer
- Assam on Citizenship Amendment Act
- Scaling Harder Kulm - Interlaken, Switzerland
- Angular project: Adding sign-up functionality
- SOLID principles
- Project adoption at Basel - Switzerland
- Building a desktop PC
- How to get a job as a software developer (with no experience) in India
- Tools of Titans - Summary
- JS Projects
- Weird Dream
- Show Your Work - Summary
- Live-Up To Your Fitness Potential
- Different DB Models And Classification: Notes
- Graph DB Classification: Notes
Learning Notes:
These are my notes on topics I’ve learned in the past and am currently learning.
- Java - Programming Language
- Data Structures - Using Java
- Database Management Systems
- Testing in Java and TestNG Framework
- Subnetting in Linux
- JSP Learning Notes
- JavaScript Learning Notes
- React Notes
Comments, feedbacks and criticism are always welcome!